Too… many…. great…. posts…. this…. week…. Here we go: The future of SEO may require being your own middleman, according to O’Reilly. Hat tip to Drew Meyers. The Bloodhounds make note that the hard part of doing web marketing is creating the content. Here’s a choice quotation:

“Just compare the quality and depth of content Amazon has around a $10 copy of Home Buying for Dummies to the average listing for a $500k ranch on”

Joel Burslem gives the Consumer Reports real estate study some thought on Future of Real Estate Marketing. In case you missed it, Union Street Media’s Adam Fullterton provides a strategic outline for integrating social media into your online marketing via a presidential metaphor. A lot of us talk about transparency but at 1000Watt they ponder when it’s too much. Rothamel cuts loose with a manifesto for the recently wired realtor. I spend a lot of time thinking about real estate search and how to improve the experience. Marc Davisson nails it over at Inman. Doing your own SEO instead of hiring Union Street Media’s excellent SEO for real estate pros? Better be prepared to deal with the SEO Ninjas. Happy Friday: Is this house in your neighborhood? I hope you blog some more about it.