Halloween is a big deal here at Union Street Media. Maybe it’s because geeks like us love to be creative. Maybe it’s because Burlington, Vermont is a vibrant college town that loves to dress and up throw down.

Alex as Dreddy KrugerMaybe it’s because Halloween is the one day of the year that you can be whatever you want. As a teacher of mine used to say on the first day, “As of today, everyone has straight A’s in the sports teams are all undefeated!” Are you a superhero? On Halloween, yes!  Are you an all-star athlete? On Halloween, yes! Are you Dreddy Kruger? On Halloween, yes!

Maybe it’s because a number of us are parents of small children. In my case, my four year old decided the costumes for the entire family this year (I am Hans Solo, my wife is Princess Leia, our four-year-old is Darth Vader and our two-year-old, was supposed to be R2-D2 but he wouldn’t wear anything on his head… So now he’s just an astronaut).

And maybe it’s because we’ve taken Halloween to a whole new competitive level. With that, I would like to congratulate our winners this year for…

Funniest: Olivia as Mo

Olivia as Mo

Group: Ariana & Dave as Party Animals

Ariana and Dave - Group

Scariest: Smara as a Vampire

Smara - Vampire

Happy Halloween!