Part 3 in our four-part series that highlights what brokerages can do to help their clients and community during this time focuses on training your agents.  

Read Part 1: You Have Answers
Read Part 2: Recognizing the Everyday Influencer Effect

Part 3: Train to Retain

Nobody wanted this pandemic to happen and now that it’s here, it’s highlighted some significant gaps in our readiness. Consider what gaps it’s highlighted in your own business operations and specifically, how you and your agents are or are not prepared to respond.

This is a huge opportunity for you, both as a broker who needs to retain talented agents regardless of their comfort with technology, and as a company who may be ahead of the curve in this aspect. Reach out to your agents, understand their gaps, provide more, better, or the same training (depending on what you’re doing already), and, most importantly, market what you’re doing. 

Externally, share with buyers and sellers how your agents are prepared to support them in our current environment. For example, how can your agents help your potential clients navigate the new technological requirements many of them are being thrust into? 

Marketing can be a powerful tool, and should be used, to help them understand what you can do to help. Use humor and be honest about what’s necessary now. For example, as much as many of us love and need video to feel connected to each other today, a lot of business can still be done on a good ole’ fashioned phone and many of your clients feel more comfortable being heard and not necessarily being seen.

Next Steps

Spend as much time on internal communication, marketing, and support as you do on external communication, marketing, and support. The long-lasting impact of your agents knowing you were there for them during this time will be well worth it.

If you have questions about the strategies outlined above, or any other part of your digital strategy, give us a call at (802) 865-3332 or fill out our contact form to speak to a knowledgable member of our team. 

Read Part 4: Time is of the Essence