Blogging Businesses Experience 126% Higher Lead Growth
Lately our blog has been focusing on the benefits of business Facebook pages; but what about business blogs? According to a recent study of 2,300 HubSpot customers, the ones who had blogs witnessed an average 126% higher lead growth than those who didn’t blog.
Blogging can lead to other benefits for your business as well…
Another Hubspot study conducted in August of 2009 – viewed here – revealed that businesses that blog receive better marketing results in general. The study surveyed 795 businesses that blogged and 736 that didn’t. The results showed that business that blogged received:
- 55% more page visits
- 97% more inbound links
- 434% more indexed pages
It makes sense; you’re constantly expanding the online content associated with your business, which in turn draws more attention to your site, from both people and search engines. There are many distinct blogging benefits. A blog provides:
- An opportunity to expand keyword rich content;
- An interface that is highly tuned for search engines;
- An excellent way to earn inbound links;
- A forum for you, as a professional, to display your expertise.
With a blog RSS feed on your site, you also have an automatic way to produce dynamic content for your main site. Many blogging businesses find their websites easily zooming above competitors’ static-content websites in the search results. For more information about how to effectively blog for business, click here. Remember, just because you have a blog doesn’t mean your website traffic is going to shoot through the roof. You need to take care of your blog consistently, monitor the comments your posts generate, and make sure your content doesn’t get stale with regular posting. Blogging is also more effective in garnering leads as part of a complete internet marketing strategy. When combined with an optimized main site and active participation on social media sites, blogging will help deliver a higher volume of high quality website traffic and leads.